Privacy Policy

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Privacy and Consent

Hi, this is Juhh!

You have complete freedom to refuse our request for personal information. However, it’s important to understand that by doing so, we may not be able to provide some of the services you desire.

1. Acceptance of Privacy Practices

By continuing to use Vlog da Juhh, we assume that you accept our practices regarding privacy and personal information.

2. Relevant Ads with Google AdSense

I may display Google AdSense advertisements on Vlog da Juhh. To deliver more relevant ads across the web and avoid showing you the same ad repeatedly, the Google AdSense service may use a DoubleClick cookie.

You can learn more about Google AdSense by reviewing the official privacy FAQs.

3. Ads to Sustain the Vlog

I may display ads as a way to fund the maintenance costs of Vlog da Juhh.

User Commitment

The user agrees to:

  • Refrain from engaging in illegal activities or those contrary to good faith and public order;
  • Avoid sharing content that is racist, xenophobic, involves illegal pornography, promotes terrorism, or violates human rights;
  • Not cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Vlog da Juhh or third parties, including the spread of viruses.

More Information

If you have any questions about how we handle your data and personal information, feel free to contact Vlog da Juhh.

Effectiveness of this Policy

This policy is effective as of June 24, 2023.

Protecting your privacy and ensuring that you are informed is a priority for Vlog da Juhh. Please feel free to ask questions and better understand how we take care of your information by reaching out to Vlog da Juhh.

Contact Information
Contact Page:

Kisses, Juhh!