Comment Policy

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Hi, I´m Juhh!

Vlog da Juhh has a comment system to encourage readers to ask questions about the topics covered and to create a more democratic environment where everyone can express themselves.

To participate in Vlog da Juhh, it’s necessary to follow the conduct rules we’ve established to maintain a positive environment for everyone.

Commenting Rules

What Commenters Are Not Allowed to Do

  • Send Spam or Promotional Comments: Comments used for promotion or spam are strictly prohibited.
  • Impersonation: Do not impersonate another person, company, or institution.
  • Offensive Content: Publishing pornographic, racist, discriminatory, or offensive material of any kind against individuals, companies, or institutions is not allowed.
  • Encouragement of Harmful Activities: Publishing material that encourages pedophilia and/or the exploitation of minors is prohibited.
  • Illegal Activities: Sharing information about illegal activities or inciting crimes will not be tolerated.
  • Manipulative Commenting: Posting multiple comments in succession with the intention of appearing as a frequent commenter is against the rules.
  • Affiliate Links: Including affiliate links in comments is not allowed.
  • Off-Topic Comments: Comments that are unrelated to the topic of the article or content are not permitted.
  • Non-Constructive Engagement: Publishing comments devoid of arguments with the sole purpose of engaging in off-topic or non-constructive discussions is prohibited.
  • Commercial Activities: Using the comment system for commercial activities is not allowed.
  • Illegal Activities: Engaging in any activity prohibited by law is strictly forbidden.
  • Religious Preaching: Promoting religious views through the comment system is not allowed.
  • Content Reproduction: Fully reproducing news or content from other media outlets is prohibited.

What Commenters Are Allowed to Do

  • Ask Questions: You can ask questions related to the content discussed.
  • Share Your Opinion: Sharing your opinion is welcome, as long as it does not conflict with the prohibited actions listed above.
  • Contribute to Growth: Feel free to contribute to the growth of the site through constructive comments.

Kisses, Juhh!