Creativity and Personal Expression

Explore your creative potential and embark on a personal journey of creative expression. Here, you’ll find inspiration and guidance on how to keep the spark of creativity alive in your daily life. From journaling techniques and artistic expression to tips on personalizing your lifestyle, this category is a haven for those eager to embrace their inner creativity. Develop your unique voice, explore new avenues of self-expression, and discover how creativity can enrich your personal journey.

o que é Commonplace Book

What is a Commonplace Book and How to Adopt This Practice

Hi, I’m Juhh! You’ve probably come across something about the “commonplace book” on Pinterest. Maybe you’ve even wondered what it is. Nowadays, this practice has been gaining attention again, but what exactly is a commonplace book, and how can you use it in your life? In this article, I’ll share details about this habit and

What is a Commonplace Book and How to Adopt This Practice Read More »

o que é Reading slump

Recuperando a paixão pela leitura: Como superar o Reading Slump

Oie, aqui é a Juhh, do Canal Vlog da Juhh! Hoje, vamos falar sobre um tópico que provavelmente já afetou a maioria das leitoras em algum momento de suas vidas: o famoso “reading slump.” Aqueles períodos em que parece que não importa quantos livros você pega, simplesmente não consegue entrar na história. Não se preocupe,

Recuperando a paixão pela leitura: Como superar o Reading Slump Read More »